Services / Worship


Sunday Morning Service


handshakeOur main act of worship is our Sunday morning service, which starts at 11am. The service is traditional but relaxed in style, with music provided by our organist and a flautist.

Our welcome team will greet you at the door, provide you with a Service Sheet and a Hymn Book and will be happy to help with any enquiries or questions you may have.

You are welcome to sit wherever you wish within the body of the church.



Intimations & Service Sheets


Intimations are included as part of the weekly Order of Service sheet and also expounded by our minister before each service.

Service sheets are available in standard or large print format.

Please ask the door steward if you would like a large print version.



sunday schoolChildren


Children join in the first part of the service and then go to Sunday School which meets in our church hall.







We generally sing from Songs of Fellowship and Mission Praise and large print copies of the words are available from the welcome team. The words of hymns are also projected onto a screen. There is an induction loop for anyone who is hard of hearing - hearing aids should be switched to the “T” position.





Bible Readings


bible readings



We use the New International Version of the Bible following the narrative Lectionary which gives the text and focus for each week. There are copies of the Bible at the end of each pew.







christian aidOffering


The Offering is taken up after the Sermon. Gift Aid envelopes are available on the shelf in front of each pew.

There are also monthly retiring offerings for AIM and Christian Aid.





visitors book


If you are visiting with us we would be delighted if you would sign our visitors’ book on the table in the main vestibule.








You are very welcome to join us for tea or coffee in the church hall after the service so that we can get to know you.



Café Church


cafe church


This informal worship session usually meets each week on a Wednesday at 5.30pm in the Parish HUB.





communionCommunion Services


We celebrate Communion at our 11am service on the first Sunday of September and the first Sunday in March. (Home communion is available; please contact the Minister). We also occasionally celebrate communion in a more intimate style at our evening service.



Special Services


special services




We hold a whole village Service of Remembrance at 09.30am on the Sunday nearest to the 11th of November, followed by a parade and procession, led by the Ullapool Pipe Band to the village War Memorial for the Act of Remembrance at 11.00am.







animal blessings



At other times of the year there is a Blessing of the Animals Service, a Service of Tenebrae on Good Friday, an ecumenical “Praise on the Pier” Service on Easter Day, and candlelit services at Christmas time.













Rev'd Heidi Hercus Tel: 01854 612360 Email: