About Us / Who's who


The Church of Scotland operates a 'territorial' ministry in which every part of Scotland is served by a church. Elders have responsibility for the caring of our finances, buildings and, more importantly, those who live in our parish.

Our minister is a minister of 'Word and Sacrament', meaning that her main roles are to lead worship and administer the sacraments. Our minister also performs many other duties including weddings, funerals, home and hospital visitations and community work.

The Church of Scotland, as part of the Reformed tradition, celebrates two sacraments - Baptism, where people become members of Christ's 'body', the Church, and Holy Communion, where we believe that Christ meets with us, and renews and refreshes us through a meal of bread and wine such as he had with his disciples on the night before his death.

Matters affecting our congregation are dealt with by the Kirk Session, comprising the elders and minister. Our church has adopted the unitary constitution of the Church of Scotland. Within that constitution our Kirk Session has formed a number of groups made up of members of the Kirk Session and members of the congregation to ensure that the voice of the church family is heard by the Kirk Session.


Our Minister


Rev’d Heidi Hercus Rev Heidi Hercus - has been our minister since 2018.




Tel: 01854 612360


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.











If you are all alone and need help at this time, please call!  No-one need panic or go hungry in this community.

Please phone Yvonne (612789) : Ruth (612790) : Robbie (612749) : or Pam (613736)  


We are here to help!


Please phone Yvonne (612789) : Ruth (612790) : Robbie (612749) : or Pam (613736)  


We are here to help!



Elder & Session Clerk 

Mr Michael Newman - the Session Clerk is the person who is the link between the congregation and the Minister. The Clerk prepares for meetings of the Session; keeps the Minutes of the Kirk Session; attends to correspondence, including the issuing of extracts; submits the annual Records of the Congregation to Presbytery for attestation; generally sees to the functioning of the Session; is concerned for the welfare of the congregation, and has a working knowledge of the Church's practice and procedure.


Tel: 01854 612635


Elder & Treasurer

Mrs Ruth Clark - the main duties of the Treasurer are to maintain the financial records of the congregation and produce annual accounts. Ruth ensures that income is collected and authorised payments are made promptly. She prepares budgets and reports on financial matters to the finance committee and Kirk Session. The Treasurer liaises with the fabric committee on the funding of both regular maintenance and major projects. Finally, she also monitors the church’s bank accounts and investments.


Tel: 01854 612790



Miss Joan Buchanan – is the Pastoral Care, Mission & Outreach Convenor

Tel: 01854 613389


Joan is our link with Bill and Rosemary Rettie. 


Bill and Rosemary RettieBill Rettie was commissioned and sent out from Lochbroom and Ullapool Church of Scotland in 1986. Serving with AIM (Africa Inland Mission International) he was assigned to Cheptebo in the Kerio Valley in North West Kenya to establish a new outreach programme with Africa Inland Church. Bill married Rosemary, an AIM missionary from Northern Ireland in 1988 and they served together at Cheptebo for the next 14 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Paul, who are living and working in U.K.

The Ullapool congregation has supported the family prayerfully and financially since 1986. The Cheptebo Centre is now managed and run entirely by national workers. The Centre has a flourishing demonstration and training farm, a large conference centre and an Agricultural Training College. Bill and Rosemary have now retired from AIM and live in Nottingham where they are serving in leadership positions in a large evangelical church. They still maintain close links with Cheptebo, making regular visits to encourage and assist in ongoing development of the strategic ministry.



Mrs Pam Eddington – is the Worship & Education Convenor, Safeguarding Coordinaor and Presbytery Elder

Tel: 01854 613389


Mr Tony Hercus - is the Property Convenor

Tel: 01854 612360


Mr Stephen Bowley - is the Data Protection Officer

Tel: 01854 655246


Mrs Jane Bowley - is the Health & Safety Administrator

Tel: 01854 655246




Rev'd Heidi Hercus Tel: 01854 612360 Email: HHercus@churchofscotland.org.uk