Welcome to Lochbroom & Ullapool Parish Church


Located at the heart of our community, we are an active and lively church with a wide age range, aiming to show the love of Jesus through all we say and do.


steeple home1We are a Church of Scotland congregation who worship in our Mill Street building every Sunday at 11.00am. We are always delighted to welcome people of different traditions to join with us in worshipping God and in serving our community.


Visitors are always welcome. Our vision is to be a church which:



  • Provides a warm welcome to all who join us
  • Offers an inclusive, open and affirming ministry
  • Shares our faith throughout the community
  • Demonstrates a strong concern for social issues 



About the Church of Scotland


church logoThe vision of The Church of Scotland is to be a church which seeks to inspire the people of Scotland and beyond with the Good News of Jesus Christ through enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing and serving communities.



Rev'd Heidi Hercus Tel: 01854 612360 Email: HHercus@churchofscotland.org.uk